Sunday, March 23, 2008

Clinton ... destroying the Party?

I'll be the 10 bajillionth to write this, but Clinton either hopes to win the nomination this year in a way that will be quite destructive to the Democratic party, or she hopes for something even worse — to damage Obama so badly that he loses to McCain, thereby preserving her own hopes at winning the presidency in 2012.

I hope Pennsylvania breaks hard enough for Obama that Clinton has virtually no choice but to drop out.


At Tue Apr 01, 04:52:00 PM 2008, Blogger Chris said...

I think so too. Rolling Stone magazine did a good bit about this recently. If Clinton stays aboard, and if somehow she still manages to get the Florida delegates, she's basically aligning the dems, or at least the Clinton version thereof, with the moral rectitude of the Bush family. It would be a repeat of 2000, when Gore's votes weren't counted.


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