Thursday, June 14, 2007

Jury duty

I had jury duty earlier this week.

Had to be at the courthouse (111 Centre St.) at 8:45, Monday morning, which is pretty early by my standards. Still, I was there by 8:40, and in the jury room by 8:50, after making my way through security. When I got in, a lame video about the legal system was playing on large, flat-panel TVs. I sat in the first available seat, and asked the young lady next to me whether I had missed the previews. The joke may have fallen flat.

That video was strange. I think Diane Sawyer was explaining the basics of criminal and civil procedure. I felt ready to take the Bar by the end. Then, the video showed various people who have been associated with the legal system talking about jury duty. A fellow who had served jury duty said, "It's not perfect — any process that involves the judgments of human beings cannot be perfect. But it's the best system of its kind in the world." Really? Does part of serving on a jury include taking a course on comparative legal systems? Then, the chief judge of the state of New York said, "By serving on a jury, you have a more profound influence on the civic process than you do by voting." Yeah, voting's wayyy overrated.

Instructing prospective jurors about the legal process certainly makes sense. But why do they have to knock other countries' legal systems?? And why do they have to knock voting??

Anyway, on Monday, I was seated in the jury box for one case. First degree assault. The judge asked a bunch of questions: Where do you live? What do you do for a living? Have you ever been the victim of a crime? (If so, was anyone arrested, was it prosecuted, and did you testify at trial?) Does anyone in your family work in law enforcement or in the legal system? Etc.

I think two of my answers made me less likely to be selected: I was mugged 10 months ago; and my sister used to work in a public defender's office. Anyway, I was rejected. Just as well — I'm very busy these days.

It was an interesting experience. And it sure as heck beats voting!


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